Page 10 - September 2022
P. 10

ourselves up for an US against THEM                    The natural gradient in the psyche is

        dichotomy. Unbeknownst to us, what                     towards wholeness and consciousness.
        we are doing is throwing down into our                 In order to get our attention when we are
        own unconscious all the parts of us that               becoming lop-sided in any characteristic

        we, or anyone who has authority over                   or trait, our shadow is going to act out
        us, decide are bad. The problem is rules               compulsively behind our own back. Have

        for acceptability are arbitrary as they                you ever said something and then asked
        differ from family to family and even                  yourself, “Did I really say that? What got
        from culture to culture. Although ego                  into me?” We can then feel humiliated

        and shadow are usually in stark contrast               and embarrassed because we sounded
        to each other, it’s good to remember                   like an irate teenager. Compulsion is a

        that our shadow is not necessarily evil,               psychological phenomenon of the life
        but only perceived this way by our                     experience. It feels like we are out of
        parents, our environment, our teachers,                control, and we are. A week or two will

        any authority figures we had growing                   go by and we’ll forget what happened
        up — even our peers, therefore it was                  for a time, but, like anything repressed

        repressed. And again, shadow is not                    or denied, the same behavior will be
        about our negative characteristics. We                 triggered again and again because it wants
        all know only too well our faults, but                 to be known. Our shadow will startle

        faults do not constitute our shadow. Our  us and embarrass us even if we said to
        shadow is completely unconscious and                   ourselves, “I will never do that again.” In

        hidden from our awareness.                             his book The Undiscovered Self, Jung says,
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