Page 2 - June 2022
P. 2

My Indigo Sun

                              Our mission is to help you live a healthy and inspired life.
                All answers to our modern life problems can be found in nature or within ourselves.
          Connecting holistic and metaphysical practitioners to those who seek to heal and grow within.
                                              Published by Vedara LLC

          Table of Contents                                             June 2022 Contributors

                    Projection? Who, me?                 4           Rebeca Eigen - Projection? Who, me?

                   What is Pranic Healing?               12       Allison Kennelly - What is Pranic Healing?

         Exploring The Current Mental Health Crisis             Anton Czachor  and Petrene Soames -Exploring
                  & The Future of Humanity               14     The Current Mental Health Crisis & The Future of

              Firewalking as a Spiritual Practice        16

                                                                    Sage - Firewalking as a Spiritual Practice
                          Predictions                    18

         Using Ayurveda to Make a Healthy Switch to                      Jagdish Maheshri - Predicitons
                        Vegetarianism                    24
                                                                  Uma Hingorani - Using Ayurveda to Make a

          Go and Sweat! Health Benefits of Sweating      28              Healthy Switch to Vegetarianism

                    Ways to Preserve Food                30     Katerina Belik - Go and Sweat! Health Benefits of

                      Gastronomic Tour                   32                   Ways to Preserve Food
                                                                                 Gstronomic Tour

                     Created by                                                       Contact us

                                                                      Write for us
         Katerina Belik          Editor                                        

         Stephanie Davidian      Graphic design and layout            Join our

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