Page 7 - June 2022
P. 7

people mirror for us not

                                                                      something we are doing,

                                                                         but a quality that we

                                                                     actually need to develop.

        negative behavior.                                     Sometimes, people mirror for us not

                                                               something we are doing, but a quality
        Seeing our shadow is very much like                    that we actually need to develop. This

        working with a “blind spot” in our character.  offers potential for improvement in our
        If someone points something out to you                 own character if we express it with some
        about yourself and you feel misunderstood,  temperance. Maybe we are too humble

        resenting their criticism, it might be a good          and self-sacrificing and need to develop
        idea to start up a dialog with your own                the quality of confidence, learn to toot our

        unconscious. Go inside yourself and ask for  own horns a bit more or be more self-
        help in recognizing if what they said was              focused if we are sacrificing ourselves all
        true about you. If two or more people say              over the place.

        the exact same thing, it is likely no longer
        chance. If it is true, then own it and                 5) OR we fall madly in-love or put a

        apologize. Be glad for the insight the                 halo effect on a person who reflects back
        Universe just gave you to become more                  to us our unconscious and hidden parts.
        conscious so you can modify and adjust                 This is the gold in the shadow so not all of

        your behavior when appropriate.                        shadow projection is negative. Jung said
                                                               90% of our unconscious is gold. Brought

        4) We badly need that part of us so it                 into our awareness, unconscious shadow
        will follow us around and get bigger                   parts can actually become very helpful
        and bigger as we refuse to see it. As the  and productive aspects of our character.

        saying goes what we resist, persists.                                         7
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