Page 5 - June 2022
P. 5

sometimes even our animals can carry                   ourselves that they are this or that, and I
        our shadow for us.                                     can’t stand that.

        My former business partner could not                   We get divorced. We trade one partner

        stand one of her dogs. He was too slow,                for another. We reject a life-long friend.
        and it drove her crazy. So much so, she                We shame our children and find faults
             Every one              would find herself         with their lifestyle. We demonize and

            of us counts            being mean to              devalue a race, a nationality, or a religion

        towards healing             him. She herself           that we are perceiving in a negative light.
                                    had the Moon
           this split that          in Taurus which            In other words, we find a scapegoat in
                                                               the outer world, and we think we have
             divides us.            has the inherent           now gotten rid of them when what we

                                    characteristic             are actually doing is running away from
        of being very slow to do anything.                     OUR OWN dark side.

        She finally had to get rid of the dog. It
        was much later when she and I started                  When I say dark, I am not talking about
        doing shadow work and studying                         “evil per se” - not that it can’t become

        Astrology that she figured it out. He was              evil - it can if it remains hidden too
        reflecting a part of her own energy. This              long. Usually our dark side is only what

        is descriptive of how we each get rid of               is hidden from us. My work is to help
        whatever or whoever we are projecting                  individuals and their relationships with
        out onto as it makes us extremely                      each other, as Jung believed, it was

        uncomfortable to be in their presence.                 the ONLY way we would see change
        And we will justify our actions saying to              in the world. If telling everyone to be

                                                               good and shaming each other into this

                                                               or that religion or metaphysical ideal
                                                               worked, then we would have seen peace

                                                               in our world long ago. Instead, shadow
                                                               projection collectively is increasing, and
                                                               Jung believed that our only salvation was

                                                               to do our own inner work. Every one of
                                                               us counts towards healing this split that

                                                               divides us.

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