Page 2 - The First 60 Days Magazine
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       It is a real pleasure to create and share this simple
       and supportive resource with you!

       My goal since founding, Brain Insights in 2008 has
       been to share the basics of brain development
       research in easy understandable ways until it finally
                                                                               IN THIS ISSUE
       becomes common knowledge for EVERYONE and
       common practice in the lives of ALL children.
       Something I state frequently is, what children need
       most is adults that understand development.
                                                                            Research Finding
       This new magazine is adding to this goal, with the
       incredibly important focus on the need for nurturing                 Focus on a Member
       for babies and support for parents and caregivers in
                Shawn                                                       Support Resources
       The First 60 Days!

       It would be wonderful to have you join us in The First
                                                                            Community Connections
       60 Days movement. Bi-monthly issues of this
       magazine is only one of the benefits for members.                    Support Ideas

       With sincere appreciation for your part in making a
       positive difference,                                                 Welcome to Members
       Deborah, McNelis, M.Ed.
                                                                            Join Us
       Founder, Brain Insights and Creator of Neuro-Nurturing®

       Photo Credit: Beth Ehlert Photography                                                   T H E   F I R S T   6 0   D A Y S     |     1
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