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G A I N I N G   &   S H A R I N G   K N O W L E D G E

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       BOOK                                                               BOOKLET

    What Happened                                                                  s an Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellow,

    to You?                                                              I believe this resource is exactly what every parent
                                                                         and professional working with young children should
       O                                                                 receive as a gift. I am confident the information
                ur earliest experiences shape                            provided in this booklet has the potential to
    our lives far down the road, and                                     significantly influence the trajectory of an infant’s life.
    What Happened to You? provides
    powerful scientific and emotional                                      From:The First 60 Days Forward
                                                                           by Jan Ference, BEd, MS, IPMHF
    insights into the behavioral patterns
    so many of us struggle to
    Have you ever wondered "Why did I
    do that?" or "Why can't I just control
    my behavior?" Others may judge our
    reactions and think, "What's wrong       EBOOK:
    with that person?" When questioning
    our emotions, it's easy to place the
    blame on ourselves; holding
    ourselves and those around us to an      US
    impossible standard. It's time we
    started asking a different question.
    Through deeply personal                        iscover the book that's starting a change.
    conversations, Oprah Winfrey and
                                           When couples start thinking ahead about their 'transition into parenthood', they picture
    renowned brain and trauma expert,
                                           the family of their dreams.
    Dr. Bruce Perry offer a
                                           But 'transition' doesn't describe the reality for most new parents. 'Adventure' is more like
    groundbreaking and profound shift
                                           it. And, like any adventure, there's bound to be some rivers to cross and mountains to
    from asking “What’s wrong with
    you?” to “What happened to you?”
                                           If you're a new parent, you'll be discovering this for yourself. Your baby is beyond
                                           adorable, but some of the learning curves are probably steeper than you'd expected.
                                           Breastfeeding doesn't necessarily come naturally at first. Settling your baby can leave you
                                           with frayed nerves. Negotiating visits from your in-laws can cause conflict and your
                                           partner just doesn't understand. Some days you're getting ahead and others you're
                                           feeling snowed under. You may wonder what's happening and why it's happening to you,
                                           when everyone on Instagram seems to be doing just fine.  If this sounds like you, don't
                                           worry, you're not alone.

                                           By, Elly Taylor, Founder of Becoming Us
       From: Macmillion Publishers                                                             T H E   F I R S T   6 0   D A Y S     |     5
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