Page 24 - March 2023
P. 24
of the negative side of Neptune. One of (Navamansh) chart should get ready
the prominent fall-outs of the Piscean for a brand new and long lasting (14
Neptune will be a significant decline of years) cycle of change, especially a very
authoritarian regime’s influence around pronounced cycle for those who have
the world. Russia, China, and other Neptune as a dominant planet in their
authoritarian regimes will continue to birth charts. The changes that might
lose their hold as they face the forces of occur would be very subtle and would
our collective spiritual transformation. deal with new or renewed interest in
spirituality, openness, psychic abilities
On individual level for those who have to perceive truth, divine experiences,
water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) as transformed perceptions and beliefs,
their ascendant in their natal ninefold and the way of living.
Upheaval in Social Media Industries
On January 17, Saturn returned to On the other hand, some of the
the sidereal Aquarius and will stay in prominent social media and internet
Aquarius until March 29, 2025. related companies will likely to go under
and be replaced with new media as a part
What does Saturn in the sidereal of Saturn/Pluto’s transformation process.
Aquarius mean?
Aquarius being the air (intelligence) and Those who have Saturn in Aquarius
fixed (perseverance) sign, Saturn’s energy (Saturn return) in their natal charts have
will likely be strongly pronounced in already been experiencing Saturn’s energy
the area of information technology level as their lives transformed to new settings
accelerating the process of our spiritual due to a drastic change mostly at mental
growth. As a result, philanthropists, and psychological levels. In my opinion,
social reformers, philosophers, scientists, despite a painful period of frustration
spiritual leaders (not religious leaders) due to unexpected drastic changes in
and peace-makers will shape our world life, it’s going to be an exciting period for
with better clarity and purpose. those who have dominant Saturn in their
birth chart and have Aries, Taurus, Virgo
and Sagittarius as their natal ninefold
(Navamansha) ascendant.