Page 25 - March 2023
P. 25

Global Insights

        The important challenging possibilities                Mar 22-31:  Russia and China are

        for March include:                                     likely to experience political and social
        Feb 28 – Mar 6:  Russia is likely to face              turmoil. Non-democratic countries are
        some serious challenges resulting into                 likely to see shift of power. Religious

        sudden changes in their strategy for                   activities around the world will likely to
        Ukraine war.  To some extent China is also  appear more secretive than open.

        going to have to deal with serious domestic  Mar 25 - April 1: Social as well as economic
        challenges such as uprising and unrests.               turmoil in Russia and China cannot be
        Mar 9-16:  An eruption of new waves                    ruled out.  Covert activities around the

        of violence in the Palestine-Israel, Syria             world may find a new momentum (but
        and Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan regions.                 because of Neptune’s secretive character we

        In addition, world religions, in general,              may never know) with regard to terrorism
        and religious leaders in particular, may               and other international conflicts.
        go through undesirable situations that

        require changes                                        The important auspicious possibilities
        Mar 13-16:  Natural and man-made                       for March include:

        calamities. A sudden rise in covert                    March 21 – April 9:  An extraordinary
        activities among the developed nations.                time for technological discoveries and
        Mar 15-21:  A challenging time for the                 inventions.  Expect some new important

        United States and particularly for the                 technological breakthroughs during
        Biden administration in dealing with                   the second half of the month. For the

        foreign matters. Terrorist activities                  United States, in particular, this period
        are likely to occur in the United States               is going to be remarkably successful.
        besides the volatile region of the Middle- The countries that are more likely to

        East (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq,              be affected during this month are:  The
        Iran, Israel and Palestine).                           middle-east region, Russia, Ukraine,

                                                               China and the United States.

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