Page 5 - March 2023
P. 5

When we are compulsively or magnetically  fascinated or repulsed by in a partner, and
        drawn to anyone, it is inevitable that there           it will repeat in our relationships.

        is an element of projection. Each person
        must ask themselves, “How much more                    An interesting quote by the poet,

        can I learn about myself through this                  Edna St. Vincent Millay is, “Life is not
        person?” “What am I projecting onto                    one damn thing after another. It’s the
        them?” None of us knows everything there  same damn thing, over and over.” It’s

        is to know about ourselves. So much of                 humorous, but so true.
        our character is unconscious. It is a life’s

        work to become all of who we are meant                 Gods and Goddesses cannot be
        to be. If we can approach our relationships  personified in human beings. Every
        as catalysts for healing and growth, then              “God” is a planet that lives an

        we will take more time to learn about the              archetype through us. Just like in
        person that the Universe has arranged                  a community, we all need a place

        to cross our path. The unconscious of                  to belong, the same is true for our
        each person has brought them to each                   internal actors and actresses. We
        other as they both have similar energy                 project parts of ourselves onto others

        or they wouldn’t even be drawn to know                 believing they have what we are
        each other. Keeping in mind that what                  missing but that projected life has to be

        is unconscious in us, we will be both                  consciously rediscovered in ourselves.
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