Page 6 - March 2023
P. 6
what is
unconscious in
us, we will be
both fascinated
or repulsed by in
a partner, and it
will repeat in our
In time, slowly both partners will of who each other is as distinct from
inevitably begin to remove their ourselves and not being threatened by
masks/personas as they communicate those differences.
honestly. Both must be willing to see
the light side and the dark side. We all Looking at relationships in this psycho-
have both faults/flaws and outstanding spiritual way gives us a lot more choices for
traits/virtues. We seem to be a lot alike continued growth and a higher purpose
when we first meet and energy wise, for our union. We develop self-compassion
we are a lot alike. We are magnetically for our mistakes and those of others. If
drawn to that likeness, but we also we do make a mistake, we apologize. We
have differences. Those differences are accountable because we have integrity.
are unique to each individual. As Integrity comes from the root word integer
part of our individuation, we must go which means a number that is complete.
through what the Alchemists called It cannot be divided against itself. To have
a seperatio (a separation) where we integrity means that we are undivided.
can objectify and see our differences. Integrity comes from having a strong ego,
This separation is not about divorce or not a big ego. A big ego cannot let go of
leaving a relationship we are in; it’s about its pride and come clean with the other
becoming psychologically conscious person. This is why Carl Jung advocated