Page 18 - November2022
P. 18
Reading Labels:
Over decades we have become Benzene keeps your cells from working
increasingly far-removed from the correctly, the CDC explains. It can keep
production of our food and products bone marrow from producing enough red
for everyday life. While it is certainly blood cells, causing anemia. It can also
convenient, all things come at a cost. damage your immune system by changing
Do you really know what you use by the levels of antibodies in blood, leading
taking a shower using your favorite body to a loss of white blood cells.
wash or feed your family members by
ordering your favorite pizza? To find Unfortunately, benzene keeps being
out, it certainly takes time. It always widely used in the US and can be
takes time and energy to do your own found in plastics, resins, and nylon
research. In this new section of My and synthetic fibers. It’s also used to
Indigo Sun magazine, we will save you make some types of lubricants, rubbers,
some of that time and do the research dyes, detergents, hair-care products,
for you in regard to common ingredients deodorants, drugs, and pesticides.
used in our daily-life products. Today’s
ingredient is benzene. It’s not entirely clear how benzene ended
up in deodorant sprays, sunscreen
Benzene is a chemical that’s colorless products, and shampoos. It is a really
or light yellow at room temperature, good idea to read the labels of the
according to the Centers for Disease products you use and stop using those
Control and Prevention (CDC). It has a that contain benzene.
sweet smell and is highly flammable.
Have a look at this article called
World Health Organization classifies “Carcinogenic Chemical Benzene
benzene as a Group 1 carcinogen, which Found in Hundreds of US Personal Care
means that there is strong evidence Products” and see if your favorite brand
linking it to DNA damage and other you use for personal care contain benzene.
changes that cause cancer in humans.
MIS Team