Page 11 - September Edition
P. 11

from empowerment of the individual ego to development of the
                                    Divine EGO and the Human capacity and right to merge with
                                    “God”.  Symbolized by the Piscean fishes of polarity, the Piscean Age

                                    introduced the collective consciousness of Humanity to the need
                                    to fuse and integrate the extreme opposites that define life and exist
                                    in reality as we know it.  Good and evil co-exist, as do Heaven and

                                    Hell (symbolically), reason and irrationality, science and mysticism,
                                    etc.  Philosophies and major world religions emerged to help Human
                                    Beings understand the inconsistencies and paradoxes of life and
                                    make peace with the increasingly complex reality of the human
                                    condition.    Buddha taught that surrender of the Arian age ego was

                                    the path toward union with the Divine.  Christ taught that sacrifice
                                    and suffering were the path toward redemption and forgiveness
                                    that would open the Kingdom of Heaven, and ultimately end one’s

                                    suffering.  In true Piscean style, the insidious manipulation of the
                                    original teachings of the great world religions made the world ripe
                                    for corruption of these sacred teachings to serve the powerful.
                                    Sacrificial redeemers and the nobility of suffering and sacrifice
                                    paved the way for the socially sanctioned cultural oppression of the

                                    masses, especially women and those who represented the power
                                    of the feminine.   Secret societies, created to hide and preserve the
                                    mystical origins of these teachings, abound during the Piscean Age.

                                    Many of these have been unearthed over the past few centuries to
                                    reveal very different messages and challenge the pervading mythos
                                    of the Piscean Age perspective.  In preparation for the Aquarian
                                    Age to come, we can expect such revelations to continue, as the
                                    mystical teachings and records and rituals of the secret societies that

                                    protect them are uncovered. As we complete the Human experience
                                    defined by the Piscean Age, it is time to re-examine those original
                                    teachings and reinterpret those that made it into the great books.

                                    The Virgo opposition of The Age of Pisces is evident through
                                    the compartmentalization and organization of society around
                                    specialized skills and the ultimate emergence of a middle class of
                                    service providers and skilled artisans.  The sacredness of the physical
                                    body and spiritual/medical practices that emphasize the mind-body-

                                    soul-spirit connection also emerged during the last few centuries of
                                    this age, encouraging humanity to balance science with mysticism,
                                    and to attempt to integrate the best of multiple philosophical systems

                                    in the search for personal ”Truth”.

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