Page 16 - September Edition
P. 16

90 Day Spiritual Awakening &

                              Empowerment Program

        Empowering Women to Heal

           from Within & Awaken the

                 Power of their Soul!

        Hoping that once you manifest... enough
        money? a new job? a new relationship? or that
        magical ‘something else’? ... THEN, you think
        you will be happy. Well... This very unlikely….


        Because… What we’re REALLY looking for is
        NOT Happiness… We’re looking for peace…
        inner PEACE. and THAT can ONLY be
        achieved when our SOUL is on PURPOSE!

        Lasting peace and wellness arise naturally when
        we joyfully make your Spiritual Growth a priority
        in your life! To make your Spiritual Growth a          All your heart’s desires fall into your lap when

        priority in your life, you will need 3 things:         you make Healing & Spiritual Growth your
        #1. A Spiritual Teacher who walks the path for         Priority...
        #2. A Consistent mindfulness practice                  Create REAL, sustainable change in your Life
        customized for your specific needs.                    once your Heart & Soul are aligned with your
        #3. A Community of Women Like you on a                 purpose...
        spiritual path
                                                               And what exactly IS that purpose? Book your
        Get the support you need on your journey of            FREE Spirit Awakening Call with Sarah.
        Spiritual Awakening & Self-empowerment!
        Make your Spiritual Growth a priority in your          Visit my Website to
        Life Today.                                            find out!

                                                               Sarah Ceo
                                                               Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher
                                                               Holistic Life Coach

                                                               Certified Yoga Teacher

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