Page 20 - September Edition
P. 20

Returning to the Classroom

        As we get closer to the beginning of a new             - Reduction of new neuron production in
        school year I feel compelled to offer insight          hippocampus
        as to how children may react as they return            - Cognitive processing shifts to survival mode
        to the classroom.                                      (brain’s job is to keep you safe)

                                                               - Emotional responses override logical
        People of my generation grew up with                   responses to situations
        parents who were children during the Great             - Loss of identity with the prior environment.
        Depression of the 1930’s. I believe we can
        all recall odd habits or fears that we saw in          The last bullet on the list is the first one I would
        our parents that were the result of extended           like to address, this is powerful for a child. For
        trauma experienced during the Depression.              so long their identities were based on school
        Once again our children and grandchildren              and school friends and now they will return to

        are experiencing extended trauma due to the            a place that has changed as they have changed.
        COVID 19 pandemic. It’s impact will remain
        with them for the rest of their lives.                 A little side note, my eight year old
                                                               granddaughter is going to see, in person,
        There is no denying the stress this pandemic           her best friend that she has not spoken with
        has caused in all of us; the isolation, concerns       or seen since February. Her anxiety level is
        about the future, and what the future will             through the roof. She is questioning how she
        bring. Now think about the stress in children.         should act, what can she do or not do. Imagine
        What happens when a child experiences                  now how it will be when over twenty students
        prolonged stress? How will prolonged stress            return to a classroom with a new teacher while
        manifest itself as children return to the              experiencing this loss of identity.
        classroom? Their brains have been in overdrive

        producing stress hormones for months. In               Returning to the classroom could be made
        order to give answers to the above questions           easier if treated with an outpouring of
        I went digging through notes taken in a class          sensitivity. Hopefully schools will put in
        years ago.                                             place a few hours prior to school opening
                                                               that will allow students an opportunity to
        Effects of prolonged exposure to stress                become reacquainted with the building, other
        hormones in children:                                  students and new teachers. Students need
        - Working and long term memory problems                something more than just meet the teacher

        - Reduced ability of frontal lobe to control           night to prepare for the 2020-2021 school
        emotions                                               year. A benefit of allowing this type of re-

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