Page 23 - September Edition
P. 23

is also metabolized to serotonin, a mood-              When adding those fries on the side seems too

        boosting hormone, so cravings can also be              good to pass up – it may be time to re-evaluate
        related to an emotional need. However, this            your daily life. Excess and constant life stress
        momentary mood improvement is generally                can lead to adrenal exhaustion, and you might
        followed by a serious drop, which spurs people  be pushing yourself further than your body
        to reach for another sugary snack, and forms           can handle. Your body craves salt when your
        an addictive cycle.                                    stress levels are intensely raised for a prolonged
                                                               period of time and deplete your adrenal glands
        Balancers                                              ability to create aldosterone, a hormone that

        • Fresh Fruit                                          helps to retain sodium.
        • Healthy Cocoa or Dark Chocolate
        • Water                                                With reduced levels of sodium, your body is
        • Getting a massage                                    unable to absorb a proper amount of water and
        • Talking with loved ones                              can become dehydrated. A hankering for salt
        • Long walks                                           may be related to iodine deficiency as well, as it
        • Any activity that makes you feel good                is the body’s way of calling out for natural sea-
                                                               based minerals.
        Instead of indulging and grabbing the closest
        candy bar, choose a piece of fruit when you’re         Salt cravings can indicate that you are trying
        craving sweets. Giving into cookies, cakes, soft  to “solidify” yourself in your overwhelmed
        drinks or other refined sweets will only make          state. Subconsciously, you may be trying

        the problem worse, and cause a blood sugar             to fortify yourself with the hardness and
        roller coaster that leads to more cravings.            strength of salt’s solid construct, in order to
                                                               deal with your situation.
        When you’re seeking to balance this, think
        about whether or not any other experiences             Balancers
        could satiate the craving, such as getting a           • Vitamin B rich foods (Nuts, seeds, legumes,
        massage or a bath, or sitting in the beauty            whole grains, fruits, and vegetables)
        of nature. Besides healthy cocoa or dark               • Water

        chocolate, reach for a loved one, friend, pet,         • Exercise
        or any activity that makes you feel good. The          • Meditation
        important thing is to remember that there is           • Yoga
        a difference between sweetness that heals and
        sweetness that temporarily bandages.

        Craving Salts
        • Low electrolyte levels

        • Dehydration
        • Chloride Deficiency
        • Iodine deficiency
        • Stress
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