Page 19 - September Edition
P. 19

Studying Ayurveda had shifted me into a new
                                                               plane of growth, even if it is with trepidation.
                                                               I am honored to be on this journey of
                                                               learning how to live life intentionally and in
                                                               physical and spiritual harmony. Below are two
                                                               mantras from the ancient texts which glimpse

                                                               into the universal Vedic wisdom of Ayurveda
                                                               (Sanskrit translations).

                                                                  Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam Aturasya
                                                                                Roga Nivaranam
                                                                Ayurveda is a science and practice which aims
                                                                 to first protect the health of a healthy person
                                                                     and second treat the diseased person.

                                                                Mana eva manushyanam vyadhinam karanam.
                                                                      Mind is the cause of bondage {and
                                                                              liberation} for man.

                                                               Wishing you all courage and grace as you
                                                               follow new endeavors and seek new paths
                                                               of enlightenment!

                                                                               Uma Hingorani,
                                                                               Ayurvedic Practitioner,
                                                                               Ashoka Holistic Ayurveda LLC

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