Page 21 - September Edition
P. 21

entering would be an opportunity for parents
                                                               and teachers to watch for any cues in the
                                                               environment that could cause a stress reaction
                                                               in students. This will also reassure children
                                                               they will be physically safe and parents will
                                                               know they are emotionally secure.

                                                               A recommendation for each classroom is to
                                                               designate a safe area if a student becomes
                                                               overwhelmed. We have to remember what
                                                               adults have been telling children for the
                                                               past months in order to keep them safe.
                                                               Now adults in their life are asking them to
                                                               step out into the world again. Think how
                                                               daunting that is for children.

                                                               Another issue arising from months of isolation is
                                                               the inability to focus on learning in a classroom.
                                                               Even the most dedicated students should not be
                                                               pushed too quickly to perform as before. This is
                                                               a time when a student needs structure more than
                                                               ever before. They will respond better if alerted to
                                                               any unexpected changes to their daily routine.
                                                               It is my feeling the first semester back in the
                                                               classroom should be focused on the emotional
                                                               health of students. For the past months
                                                               their bodies have been producing increased

                                                               amounts of the stress hormones (cortisol and
                                                               norepinephrine) into their bloodstream. These
                                                               hormones affect their higher order thinking,
                                                               working memory and problem solving skills.
                                                               With care and patience dopamine levels will
                                                               increase creating a normal hormonal balance.
                                                               We can see success in the classroom again, if we
                                                               take time and focus energy on the emotional
                                                               well being of the students after experiencing

                                                               such historical events.

                                                               We are blessed with the care of children, may
                                                               we guide them gently with a loving light.

                                                               Antoinette Swaney, Child Literacy Specialist

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