Page 22 - September Edition
P. 22

What Your

                Food Cravings

                   Really Mean

           Ever had a craving you just can’t shake? Is there only one particular food that can
         always pull you out of an emotional rut? Have you ever wondered where the phrase
                                      “Eat your feelings” even comes from?

        Of course, you have! You’re only human! Most           a while, your body learns this routine and sends
        people accept food cravings as a normal part of        cravings in order to create a short-term boost of
        everyday life without really ever asking “why?”        chemical components. By deciphering the real
        No two bodies are the same, and therefore no two  meaning of your cravings, you can get insight as
        reasons behind a specific food craving are the         to what’s truly gnawing at you from within.
        same. While some may be rooted in nutritional
        deficits – others may be a deeper signal from our      Having some knowledge about what our

        Spirit echoing throughout our bodies.                  cravings can mean, may help us to reduce
                                                               unhealthy habits and poor food choices. The
        Your mind, body, and Spirit communicate                following are the three most commonly craved
        through an intricate language, which isn’t always  food flavors, and a starting point for you to
        easy to decipher. However, with a little effort,       decrypt what your mind, body, and Spirit are
        you can translate these signals and create the         really trying to tell you.
        harmony needed for improved health.
                                                               Craving Sweets

        For most, we’ve been taught to “overcome” our  Physical
        bodily cues. For example, when a person has a          • Tired or Lack of Energy
        headache, they’re taught to reach for the Advil        • Dehydration
        bottle rather than lying down and drinking lots  • Blood Sugar imbalances
        of water. However, no matter how much you              • Chromium or Magnesium deficiencies
        resent, ignore, or overlook your bodily cues –         • Fatty Acid deficiency
        they’re not going to go away.                          Emotional
                                                               • Sadness
        When looking at food cravings specifically,
        emotions are one of the most common causes             There have been a number of studies that show
        of overeating. Our cravings tend to manifest           how sugar can affect the same brain regions
        themselves when we’re feeling vulnerable.              as drugs and alcohol. This is because simple

        Rather than expressing our emotions, we tend           carbohydrates, such as sugar, are digested
        to stuff them down with “comfort foods” that           faster than complex carbohydrates and give an
        give our bodies a false sense of fulfillment. After  immediate energy boost. Chocolate specifically
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