Page 27 - September Edition
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processed foods, sugars and refined carbs, corn
        oil, salt, tobacco and alcohol, some vegetable like    Activate the below-mentioned pressure
        eggplant, tomatoes, and green pepper.                  points for arthritis by pressing and holding
                                                               them for longer periods of time to get relief:
        While cutting on the foods listed above, add           1. Liver Acupressure point

        more of these: oily fish, nuts, seeds, and green       2. Gall Bladder Acupressure Point
        vegetables especially celery and broccoli.             3. Large Intestine Acupressure Point (Start to
        Some more suggestions:                                 activate these points whenever you feel the
        -eat a portion of fresh string beans every day.        pain starting. Also, when you get up in the
        - steep 1 cup of fully packed washed parsley           morning, you may feel the arthritis pain at
        in 1 quart of boiling water. After 15 minutes,         its peak. So, before you hop out of bed, start
        strain the juice and refrigerate. Drink ½ cup of  stimulating the points above.
        parsley juice before every meal. Observe how
        your body reacts to the juice and adjust.              Kathy Larionova

        - eat cherries of any kind: sweet or sour, fresh
        or frozen. Again, listen to your body, and
        you will soon know if the cherries seem to be          References:
        making you feel better.                                • Bordoni, A., et al. (2017). Dairy products and
                                                               inflammation: A review of the clinical evidence. DOI:
           Use Acupressure to Help Get Relief from             • Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. (2009).
                             Arthritis                         Study shows that reducing processed and fried food
        When you activate a certain acupressure point,  intake lowers related health risks and restores body’s
        it will release trapped energy, and this energy        defenses [Press release].
        helps eliminate pain and heal the joints.    
        When you relieve your body of pain, you also let       shows-that-reducing-processed-and-fried-food-
        go of the entrapped stress and tension in the body.    bodys-defenses
        When you are more relaxed, you breathe better          • Mayo Clinic Staff. (2019). Rheumatoid arthritis.
        and basically spread energy throughout the body.

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