Page 29 - September Edition
P. 29

Cooking for Healing

       Zucchini Brownies

                                             Stephanie Davidian

             These zucchini brownies are plant based, gluten free, vegan, and much healthier than
        regular brownies. You wouldn’t even guess that they have vegetables hidden within! Since the
                         vegetables are so well hidden, this is a great recipe for picky kids.
                                                               Stir in the chocolate chips and pour the batter
        Dry                                                    into the lined pan. Bake for 35 minutes to get

        3/4 cup granulated sugar, preferably organic           fudgier brownies and 40 minutes for more
        1 1/2 cups rolled oats, ground into flour              cakey brownies. I would recommend to use the
        1/2 cup dairy free chocolate chips                     toothpick test at around 30 minutes.
        1/2 cup + 1 tbsp cocoa powder
        1 tsp baking powder                                    Let the brownies cool completely before cutting.
        1/4 tsp baking soda                                    Store extras covered in the refridgerator.
        1/3 tsp salt

        1 1/4 cups shredded zucchini, water squeezed out
        1/2 cup nut butter of choice
        1/4 cup dairy free milk
        1 tsp vanilla extract

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        Preheat the oven to 360 degrees Farenheit.
        Line a 6x9 pan with parchment paper. Keeping                                Donate
        the chocoalte chips aside, blend all the dry
        ingredients in food processer. Add the wet

        ingredients and blend until the batter is smooth.

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