Page 26 - September Edition
P. 26

How to Ease the Pain

                                     from Arthritis

        One in three American adults are affected by           2. While you are on your phone:
        arthritis. It is documented to be the leading          A common misconception is that arthritis is
        cause of disability in the US. Some stay-at-           an ‘old person’s disease.’ But, in fact, arthritis
        home habits and work from home may make                is getting younger and it can arise in many
        things worse as we are spending long hours             forms and affect people of all ages – including
        sitting without making frequent breaks for             children and adolescents.
        moving or exercising. This puts an extra strain

        on our joints and contributes to stiffness and         According to Cleveland Clinic researcher, for
        arthritis pain.                                        every inch you drop your head forward, you
                                                               double the load on those muscles. Looking
        What to do? Here are some suggestions.                 down at your phone, with your chin to your
        1. While you work:                                     chest, can put about 60 pounds of force on
        • Choose a chair that supports your lower back         your neck. You want to come up with a way
        • Keep your head and shoulders up straight             to keep your phone at an eye level or avoid
        • Make sure your working surface is at the             looking down for prolonged periods of time.

        proper height, so you don’t have to lean
        forward                                                3. Consider changing your daily routine to
                                                               include more movement of at least 30 minutes.
        Take breaks to move your body and get                  The pain may prove to be debilitating, but
        blood flowing while you browse internet or             if you integrate physical activity in the form
        watch Netflix. You can set a timer on your             of any exercises such as walking, biking,
        phone to remind you to move around every               swimming, yoga, or dancing, you’ll help your
        hour, for example.                                     cause. Moderate physical activity most days of
                                                               the week will allow you to regain the ease of
        You can also make a habit from this smart              movements faster.
        trick: keep a small cup of water next to you, and
        when that cup is empty, that’s your cue to get up  4. Make adjustments to your diet:

        and move a little. Not only will it help you stay      Research shows that some foods contribute to the
        hydrated, it will make you move more often.            pain of some arthritis sufferers. Among those are
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