Page 24 - September Edition
P. 24

Rather than fortifying and enforcing the walls         On a spiritual level, you may be craving fatty
        around you, find strength in trust and flexibility.  foods because you have yet to accept your

        The hardness you wish to develop through salts         own importance, and feel the need to keep
        only creates resistance, not healing. Instead of       the full reality of your power squashed down
        devouring an entire bag of potato chips – try          by physical discomfort. In this instance, your
        distressing in more healthy and productive             cravings are probably coming from a wounded
        ways. Eat foods rich in vitamin B such as oats         ego, looking to perpetuate old hurts and a
        or wild salmon to increase adrenal support.            reduced sense of self-worth.
        While exercise is a sure-fire way to balance your
        body and expel negative stress from the body,          Balancers
        meditation, and mindful relaxation are also            • Omega 3’s (EPA and DHA) – Flax oil, ground
        great mood balancers, as well.                         flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts
                                                               • Sesame seeds

        Craving Fats                                           • Broccoli
        Physical                                               • Kale
        • Calcium Deficiency                                   • Legumes
        • Fatty Acid Deficiency                                • Mustard
        • Hurt                                                 Accepting our own authenticity and importance

        • Loss                                                 frees our power and allows us to go against
        • Depleted Self-Worth                                  social norms that cultivate insecurity. Through
                                                               articulating our experience and understanding

        While all foods in moderation are quite normal         ourselves better, it’s possible to see how beautiful
        – if you find yourself constantly over-indulging       we really are, and how much we have to give the
        in fatty foods, you know your body is out of           world. This releases restrictions on our sense
        balance. Cravings for things like peanut butter,       of personal power and allows a stronger mind
        oils, or fried foods often relate to a calcium         to take back control. Consider practicing core
        deficiency, as saturated fats are necessary to help    exercises to cultivate your third chakra, which is
        maintain calcium in the body and build bone            the center of your self-esteem and willpower.
        density. However, the wrong fatty foods can

        leave you feeling bloated – perpetuating your          Cara Hebert
        body’s desire to sink into lethargy and despair.       Healthy Living Writer
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