Page 12 - September Edition
P. 12

Each age adds an aspect of consciousness               Make no mistake, the Aquarian Age is here,
        necessary for modern Humans to evolve                  and the symbols of that Truth abound… a
        and grow.  We are the sum total of this                topic to be addressed in the next issue of My
        experience and carry the memories of the               Indigo Sun.  Till then, please be wise, stay

        ages within our cellular memory.  Simply               safe and take care of one another.
        put, in the Taurean Age we experienced
        the dominance of the extreme feminine                  Kimberly McSherry has been a student of Astrology

        side of consciousness and the instinctual              and a professional educator since 1970.  She holds
                                                               multiple degrees from Kent State University (BS in
        side of human nature.  In the Arian Age                English/Education & Psychology), the State University
        our   perspective shifted toward the extreme           of New York at Buffalo (MA in Humanities), and
        masculine side of consciousness and the                The University of Houston (M.ED PSYCH.).  A
        need to break free from the “herd”, emerge             certified Gestalt Therapist, with advanced studies in
                                                               Jungian and Hakomi Therapeutic approaches as well,
        from the womb of The Great Mother, and                 Kimberly is the co-founder and current Director of The
        develop a separate self, whose survival                Houston Institute of Astrology (established in 1980,)
        depended on one’s ability to access and                offering an intensive 2-year curriculum in the study

        capitalize on the skills of the warrior within.        of Astrology, based on The Mystery School tradition.
                                                               Her nontraditional education includes extensive
        In the Piscean Age, the opportunity to merge           study of mythology and comparative religions, Native
        these two polarities, and integrate all that           American Spirituality, and a vast array of physical and
        each symbolically represents, paved the way            metaphysical healing modalities and nontraditional
        for our next step in Human evolution:  Equal           psychological fields. She is the published author of
                                                               several essays on astrology, which have appeared in
        access and value for both ways of being.               The Mountain Astrologer, and Llewellyn’s New World

                                                               Astrology Series, Spiritual, Metaphysical, & New
        Today, we stand at a crossroad in current              Trends in Astrology.  She has also served on the faculty

        reality.  As the past age principles of Pisces,        of most national astrological conferences.  Kimberly
                                                               currently writes, teaches Astrology classes via HIA, offers
        and the collective perspective they created,           private astrological consultations, and practices short-
        come into question and erode, the new age              term focused therapy using Astrology and a variety of
        principles of Aquarius find fertile ground             therapeutic techniques. She can be reached by e-mail at
        in which to take root and grow in the        

        collective experience.
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