Page 10 - December2023
P. 10

compensating for this complex she had                  from knowing that we are everything
        been carrying around her entire life. She  we wish they weren’t. Through self-
        told us it didn’t matter how successful                awareness, you can make an effort to

        she became. She knew she could never                   change the patterns that you’ve inherited
        live up to her mother’s exaggerated                    or resolve the hurt that you experienced

        expectations. She couldn’t believe it when  through your relationship with them.
        it became clear.                                       Most important, you can begin to accept
                                                               this aspect of yourself. Otherwise, you

        This is also a great example of how our                will continually project it onto others.
        Shadow holds important information                     The awareness for Jennifer felt truly

        that can help us heal our parental                     liberating. As soon as she could take the
        imagos. Though her mother had died,                    projection back, her animosity towards
        that mother complex lived on inside of                 Susan was completely gone! This has

        her until she could relate to it.                      happened to me in my own life and it
                                                               showed me the importance of doing this
             A dream represents the dreamer’s                  work and it is ongoing.

               situation as it is, externally or               (an excerpt from the Workbook)
          internally or both; and it compensates                Shadow Work becomes a way of being in

                   the one-sidedness of the                                        the world.
             conscious view, that is, it relates a
                 message which is unknown

          to the dreamer but is potentially vital              Rebeca Eigen
                and in need of being known.

        Edward C. Whitmont, The Symbolic Quest

        Forgiving Our Parents
        When we cannot forgive our parents, we

        are destined to repeat many of their fears
        and failures and even live their unlived
        life. Our parents were human beings who

        had a light and dark side. We will gain

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