Page 6 - December2023
P. 6

basically the study of the light energy                cosmogony was strikingly Gnostic. In the
        that makes up our reality, derives its                 Silmarillion, Eru, the One, (the Source

        name from this. Without light energy,                  Energy) plans a great symphony to create
        we would have no means to perceive                     the universe. He steps down his energetic

        physical reality or to exist at all since              vibration to emanate lesser frequencies
        the atoms of our bodies are built from                 or intelligent centers of conscious beings
        the actions of photons or light energy.                called the Ainur. Each of these added

        Each photon has an energy signature                    its own vibration to the symphony of
        proportional to its particular frequency.              creation orchestrated by Eru.

        Interestingly, this formula is a                       This is similar to the Christian concept
        mathematical rendering of ancient                      of the angelic choir surrounding God.

        mystical concepts of reality, particularly             We’re going to come back to this
        those of the Gnostics that I cover in                  analogy subsequently to demonstrate an

        my book, Quantum Spirituality (see                     interesting twist concerning the creation. The Gnostics related
        that God formed the creation by a series               Information is Energy, but also

        of stepping down or limitations of its                 Physical Matter
        Source Energy into smaller constituent                 Gnostics and Tolkien aside for now,

        parts. It was done by a play of frequencies            we’ll stick to the scientific angle for the
        or vibrations, literally variations of the             moment. Let’s start at the bottom and
        Source Energy. This process was also                   work our way up. Science is starting to

        described in ancient texts as the One                  demonstrate that information is physical
        Consciousness dispersing itself into                   and that it might well be the fifth and

        other points of consciousness or spiritual             most fundamental form of matter
        beings that played a co-creative role in               alongside solids, liquids, gas, and plasma.
        the creation.                                          What’s the basis for believing this and

                                                               how can information be physical? After
        A great analogy describing this event                  all, isn’t information something abstract

        formed the cosmological basis of                       rather than concrete? The answer is that
        the works of JRR Tolkien. Tolkien’s                    information is energetically conveyed,

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