Page 7 - December2023
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but like all other quantum processes binary strings of numbers (sequences of
concerning energy, it can be expressed as 0s or 1s) conveyed by electrons registering
actual matter. Let’s look at a few examples. through transistors. So, 010100011010 is
an example of such a string that conveys
Your college professor has information the bits of information that underly the
he wants to convey to his class. He can text or images you get from the internet
write it down so the information is now or retrieve from your computer. The
conveyed physically by the arrangement physical process behind this information
of molecules of ink on paper. Okay, is a flow of electrons in various binary
now he keeps the information in his (two-digit) sequences. The information
head for a lecture. How is that physical? your computer retrieves from the internet
The electrochemical transmission of is actually packets of photons delivered in
information through the synapses or binary code arrangements by fiber optics.
neural network of the professor is a
physical process. The thought energy Peter Canova
is conveyed on a quantum molecular The author of the 25 X
basis as are the sound waves when the award-winning First Souls
information is spoken or recorded. Trilogy and has contributed
to the popular Chicken
Now consider similar processes to the Soup for the Soul series.
human brain for conveying information His latest publication, Quantum Spirituality,
such as a computer and the internet or received 4 titles in The American Book Fest’s
information highway. Both computers and 2023 Best Book Awards.
the internet convey information through ( 7