Page 19 - May 2021
P. 19

effects like high blood pressure, kidney
        problems, and increased risk of skin

        cancer. Moreover, allopathic medications
        only really treat the symptoms of eczema

        without treating the underlying cause of
        vitiated Pitta. The Ayurvedic approach,
        on the other hand, uses diet, lifestyle and

        herbs to support the body’s innate ability
        to heal itself while boosting immunity and

        clearing the blood and liver.

        The ayurvedic keys to treating eczema                   gourd, and coconut, and eat sweet fruits,

        and restoring doshic balance are to                     too (not sour). Also eat bitter vegetables
        follow a healthy diet and lifestyle and to              like bitter gourd and fenugreek leaves,

        take a Pitta-pacifying herbal regimen.                  which help lower Pitta.
        By making the simple changes outlined
        below, your skin, or your child’s skin, can  5. Eat older grains and pulses, which

        be made beautiful once again!                           are lighter and easier to digest - new
                                                                grains have a higher water content and

                FOLLOWING A HEALTHY                             are heavy to digest. Eat plenty of mung
                     DIET & LIFESTYLE:                          dhal, barley, basmati rice, and wheat
                                                                (except in gluten intolerant individuals).

        1. Avoid consumption of heating spices
        - like black pepper, chili powder, sesame               6. Avoid anger and mental stress - take

        seeds/oil, and dry ginger powder. Fresh                 an evening walk in the moonlight, do
        ginger is fine to eat.                                  sheetali (like sucking through a straw)
                                                                breathing, listen to a favorite podcast, say

        2. Avoid excessively salty & sour foods                 a positive mantra or affirmation, meditate,
        – which increase Pitta                                  take sacred pauses throughout the day to

                                                                collect yourself, journal, have a gratitude
        3. Avoid incompatible food                              practice, or find other ways to cultivate
        combinations – like combining dairy                     patience, tolerance, and kindness.

        with grains, fruits & vegetables, or
        meats & seafoods                                        7. Avoid excessive sun exposure or

                                                                overheating the body – take a cool
        4. Eat cooked and easily digestible                     shower immediately after working
        foods – eats lots of fresh vegetables like              out, and wear comfortable, protective

        cucumbers, cilantro, squashes, snake                    clothing when out in the sun
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