Page 14 - May 2021
P. 14

Over the last few years I have begun to
        create green smoothies from scratch. These

        help to keep a beneficial level of alkalinity
        in the body for gut health and digestion.

        The basic recipe for my Alkagizer smoothie
        is to place the following washed and loosely
        chopped organic ingredients into my

        Vitamix® blender:
        A huge handful of spinach

        Two large stalks of celery
        One large cucumber
        The flesh of a ripe avocado

        32 oz of pure Coconut water
        Juice of a Lemon

                                                               I then cover and wiz the ingredients on high

                                                               for a minute until everything is smooth and
                                                               enjoy it. This is great when I am serving a

                                                               friend half of this amount, but it is a lot for
                                                               one person to consume. Sometimes I cut
                                                               this recipe in half and store half of the used

                                                               avocado with its seed in place to become a
                                                               part of the next day’s drink. This keeps the

                                                               leftover half of the avocado nice and fresh.
                                                               You can of course add herbs, sprouts, or any
                                                               other green vegetable to the mix. I urge you

                                                               to be creative.

                                                               Occasionally I create a large batch of
                                                               this smoothie later in the day and get
                                                               away with stashing half in the fridge

                                                               for the next morning. This never seems
                                                               to taste as good as the fresh batch but

                                                               sometimes you just need to have some
                                                               pre-prepped food on hand.

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