Page 29 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 29

We went to Fahey’s and called the doctor. He said I had              I was stronger; school started and we were soon back to our
               appendicitis so kept me quiet with ice packs until about 4           old jobs, choring and etc. I boarded the teacher again that

               o’clock p.m. and then he decided to take me to Great Bend            winter or school term.
               to a hospital in his car. Otto went too. They didn’t operate
                                                                                    It was cold all winter, was dry to seed wheat but one has
               for about two days. Otto had to go back home to children
                                                                                    to put it in. We had very little moisture all fall and winter.
               and chores.
                                                                                    We had so much wind in the fall with dust blowing and

               I came thru the surgery okay. It was awfully hot while I             by February the dust storms were getting worse and more
               was in the hospital - 117° in the shade. Mae stayed with the         often all of the time, by March they were terrible and kept

               children. Edward did most of the chores with Larena’s and            it up in April. I had written to the Northwest for literature

               Cecil’s help, with chickens, etc. Otto came to Great Bend            on the country. We got it and read a lot – sounded good,
               in the car and brought me home. I was weak, of course,               no dust and plenty of rain. So toward the middle of April

               they kept one in bed about two weeks those days. Mae said            Otto and I decided that he should take a trip to Idaho to
               she could stay the rest of the month and part of August so           look at the country. He stopped in Southern Idaho and vis-

               Otto decided we should take a trip. This was 1934. Edward            ited friends and looked at the country. Land was high. So

               and Larena were going to stay with Mae and Wanda. So                 he came on north to Bonners Ferry to look around. It was
               we took Cecil and Ramona with us. We went to the Black               nice, no wind, a new country.

               Hills, North Dakota on to Yellowstone Park and Western
                                                                                    We had one of the worst dust storms of the season while he
               Wyoming where Otto had gone years before to look at the
                                                                                    was gone. I had taken Larena, Cecil, and Ramona to Sun-
               country. I remember about stopping at Rock Springs, Wy-
                                                                                    day School. It was nice that morning, but before we got
               oming to see a doctor and have the bandages removed from
                                                                                    back near home we were hit with a dust storm. It was hard
               my stomach. We drove on home thru parts of Colorado. It
                                                                                    to see the road and the wind blew terrible. But we crept-
               was still hot and dry when we got home.

                                                                                                                       Part of my Life as a Story   29
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