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P. 24

get Otto, 2 p.m. he went and phoned for the doctor and got
                                                                                    a lady to come and be with me. So doctor was there only a

                                                                                    few minutes before the baby came. He got a girl to do the
                                                                                    housework. Had her I guess around four weeks. Seemed

                                                                                    I couldn’t get my strength back. My health was poor all

                                                                                    winter. Larena was only 19 months old when Cecil came.
                                                                                    So really had two babies to do and wash for. Our crop was

                                                                                    real good the next year. Almost had the harvest complete

                                                                                    in July. I got so I couldn’t hardly keep on my feet any lon-
                                                                                    ger so Otto got Mae (his sister who taught school during

                                                                                    school months) to come and stay with the children (Cecil

                                                                                    was ten months old) and he took me to Halstead, Kansas
                                                                                    (about a day’s drive from there in those days, but I presume

                                                                                    only about 200 miles from home) to the hospital where I
                                                                                    had surgery. Was flat on my back for nine days and gone

                                                                                    from home three weeks. Nothing removed – all repair and

                                                                                    shortening of the ligaments and etc. of the female organs
                                                                                    to keep them back up in place. Before this I couldn’t sit

                                                                                    comfortable on a chair. My health was improved a lot with
                                                                                    the long rest I got. Due to our good wheat harvest we were

                                                                                    able to afford a new combine. I can’t recall who had helped

                             Edward, Cecil, and Larena                              me with the harvest cooking that summer – but I know our

          24 Part of my Life as a Story
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