Page 23 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 23
tle daughter Larena Gwendolyn was born. Otto sold his We moved and put in a big garden. I hatched off 400 little
part or share of the garage to another party and rented a chicks that summer with setting hens. Our crop didn’t do
farm in Gove County about eight miles north of his folks’ too much, too dry as many other years were. Early summer
place. We couldn’t get possession until the spring of 1925 my folks decide to rent their farm and go west and so talked
in March. So we had a chance to have a bachelor’s house Otto into renting. They decided to leave the first part of
that winter as he wanted to spend the winter visiting his August so we moved to their place about three weeks later,
relatives. We could live there if Otto would feed and care sometime around the first part of September. Otto finished
for his cattle. We had a real good winter although it was up their fall harvest. We had more room now, three bed-
cold and we had quite a lot of snow. Spring came and the rooms, the living room and a kitchen. The house as I said
folks moved out, then we had the house to clean up so we before was painted white. They also had built a summer
could move. Otto came home from working on the house kitchen and wash room on. We were expecting our third
as it needed some repairing one evening really disgusted. child about October 6 but he decided to come Septem-
Said the house was a mess of bedbugs. In those days we ber 30, 1925. Another boy, Cecil Lyle. He was born around
didn’t have spray to kill them. So he took window casings 5:30 o’clock in the evening. We didn’t go to the hospital
off and doped them with kerosene and gasoline, or what- those days. The doctor had to come from Utica around 27
ever we could find to kill them. Then he painted all three or 28 miles. It was a warm windy day. Otto was out in the
rooms. Surely looked different and we got rid of the bugs. field. Edward was at school so I had to go about ½ mile to
Part of my Life as a Story 23