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P. 19

wonderful. We got quite a few nice gifts from them. Otto’s
                                                                                    folks gave us a bedroom suite, bed, and washstand. I had a

                                                                                    new dresser I had just bought. Sister Mae and husband gave
                                                                                    us a set of dishes, Eva a dresser scarf and I don’t recall what

                                                                                    else. The friends and neighbors didn’t give gifts like they do

                                                                                    now, and no receptions either.

                                                                                    The weather was soon nice but dry. No hay was raised that
                                                                                    summer so Otto and his father cut Russian thistles for hay

                                                                                    in 1917 and I stacked for them, built a large long stack.

                                                                                    That is what kept the cattle going, along with cotton seed
                                                                                    meal. Mother Holmes was a wonderful housekeeper and

                                                                                    cook (we lived with them for 2½ years). I helped with all
                                                                                    of the wash, cooking, etc. We always washed on Mondays,

                                                                                    ironed on Tuesdays, etc. I still wasn’t very well due to the

                                                                                    fall I’d had in 1916. I was so nervous. My back was out of
                                                                                    place in places, which caused it as we found out later. Med-

                                                                                    icine didn’t help very much but did relieve me. War was de-
                            The Reed Hess Holmes Family
                            Front: Reed, Eva, and Fannie                            clared six days before we were married. Otto was deferred
                          Back: Guy, Fahey, Mae, and Otto                           for a time as he was a farmer and his Dad needed him. He

                                                                                    was placed in the 4F class, and would have been called soon
                                                                                    had the war kept on. That’s the way they were called up,

                                                                                    first class 1 – then 2, etc. But the war was over just before

                                                                                                                       Part of my Life as a Story   19
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