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P. 14
for singing which they had every Sunday afternoon. Those
young folks could really sing. I worked out some besides
giving the music lessons. I also had to help set out the alfalfa
hay that summer. It was so hot, I nearly passed out on the
haystack. It was my job to build up the stacks.
One evening I went to the chicken house to pick up the
eggs and there was two real large bull snakes curled up in
the nest. I told Dad at once and he shot them. They like trains again for Western Kansas. We had enjoyed our stay
eggs. I never seen so many different kinds of snakes as there in Oklahoma and hated to leave. Mother had relatives in
was along the creeks in Oklahoma. I guess most of them Enid, Oklahoma so she and we children stopped and made
were water snakes and they would come up on the banks to them a visit. Therefore we reached Shields, Kansas about
sun themselves. the time Dad and Cecil did. Again, our new neighbors
who had been notified ahead were there to meet us with
We young folks made lots of friends that summer and had
teams and wagons. So we moved out to our new home that
a good time. I kept company that summer with two differ-
afternoon. One of our neighbor ladies got supper for us,
ent young men whom I’d gotten acquainted with at church
such a good supper. They were well to do folks and good
that summer.
neighbors. This was the fall of 1915, first part of Decem-
We had real good crops, but during this time Dad was on ber.
a deal to trade our place in Eastern Kansas for a farm in
We got nicely settled before the weather got too cold, we
Gove County, Kansas. He made the deal in the fall; so af-
were lucky to have nice weather while moving.
ter our harvest was all done we packed up again, and with
our horses (he sold the cows) and chickens we boarded the We had a five room house, three small bedrooms and a liv-
14 Part of my Life as a Story