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were only a short distance from a real nice Baptist Church the wagon Mother was driving and she was thrown to the
so we “kids” attended Sunday School regular. The folks ground, spraining her ankle very bad. My brother Ivan was
took us to church on Sunday evenings, and to the revival a baby, having been born September 29, 1908 at this place.
meetings. I’ve never heard such good sermons as I heard at I guess he wasn’t hurt at all. Anyway, I stayed out of school
those meetings. the first week to do the work, wash clothes, help take care
of the baby and Goldie, housework and cooking. Blanche
We had to walk 1½ miles to school but the weather was
stayed from school the second week. Dad helped some, but
never too bad. I got kicked on the knee by one of our hors-
he had so much outside work to do. I always helped with
es one evening. Dad picked me up and carried me to the
the chores morning and evenings. We milked several cows,
house. I wasn’t hurt too badly, so they let me start a little
no milking machines those days. I was twelve years old at
earlier to school the next morning. I limped some and had
this time. After the second week, Mother could get around
to walk slow. I used to have sick headaches,
a little so we both got back to school. She
have walked home from school many times
never wanted us to miss school if we could
to go to bed with one of these. We didn’t
help it.
have aspirin in those days. Mother used to
have the headaches too and spent one or Mother sent me to a creek one day. I had to
two days a month in bed. Usually we were ride the pony, Dan was his name, as it was
sick at our stomachs also. about two miles from home to get water-
cress, a green used for salads, something like
Mother and Dad started to town one
lettuce, only it grew in the water. I got the
morning going to Clements (our nearest
watercress and started home. As I crossed
town) to get two loads of coal, etc. for the
the creek I rode into quicksand. If Dan
oncoming winter. Something happened to
hadn’t have been so quick to get out, both
Part of my Life as a Story 9