Page 5 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 5

My brother Cecil was born on a dark dreary day, or the
               morning I remember, in 1901, November 2 . We were
                                                                                          I can start remembering when I was not quite 4
               proud as could be, now we had a baby brother.
                                                                                          years old. But my mother told me many times,

               My father was fixing fence on a fall day (I don’t remember                 a story about when I was 2 or 2 ½ years of age,
               what year, but believe it was sometime in 1902). We almost                 that I had eaten peanuts, I suppose I couldn’t
                                                                                          chew them very good, so went into convulsions.
               lost him, as infection set in, he was taken to Topeka, Kansas
                                                                                          They were very frightened so put warm water
               and was in the hospital for some time. I remember it was a
                                                                                          in a wash boiler and dipped me down into
               cool cloudy day the day he got hurt by a wire, it snapped in               this very warm water. To this day, I remember

               two, blew back and hit him in the eye. His eye had to be                   about being put down into this boiler of water

               removed. He tried so hard to wear a glass eye but he said                  and when I was a small child, one time my
               they hurt him so he couldn’t stand to wear one.                            mother told me about it; to me it was like a

                                                                                    I was going to be six years old September 22 , so the folks
                                                                                    wanted to get me in school. We lived 2½ miles from school
                                                 Albert Miller Walt many-
                                                 years after losing his eye.        so they arranged to have me stay with my Aunt Dora Lewel-
                                                                                    ling (my mother’s older sister). I don’t remember if I went

                                                                                    2 or 3 days, but anyway they couldn’t get me to go back to
                                                                                    school, the teacher had called me down for something. So

                                                                                    that ended my schooling for that year.

                                                                                                                       Part of my Life as a Story   5
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