Page 8 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 8

It was while we lived there that Dad sent me to the barn

               one night after dark to get a ½ bushel pail which he used
               to wash his feet. I guess I was nine or ten years old. It was

               cold weather and he always hooked the barn doors to keep
               them closed. I took the lantern and went to the barn. The

               feed way barn door was unfastened but closed. I hesitated

               about going in, but did real fast, grabbed the pail, fastened
               the door and ran for the house. The next morning when

               Dad went to the barn he saw a little stream of shelled corn
               (their sack had a little hole in it) leading off across the field

               toward a neighbor’s place. We suppose he was in the barn

               when I went to get the pail. I was told never to go in the
               barn at night again if I found the doors unfastened. I wasn’t
                                                                                                  The Walt home in Soldier, Kansas
               sent to the barn after night anymore.

               I can remember what a nice home this was, so much fruit,             Dad sold this place after we had lived there five years, for

               and the folks had good gardens and crops. I learned to help          a good price. He went to Chase County, Kansas where he
               milk cows while living on this place, started to learn the           bought 240 acres, quite level with pasture, a creek running

               summer of 1904. We had lots of hogs too. I used to help              through it, and good farm ground. We children liked this
               feed them too.                                                       home very much. The house was a three room house but as

                                                                                    I remember the rooms were nice size. We had two porches.

                                                                                    The house also painted white as our other homes were. We

           8 Part of my Life as a Story
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