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P. 4

he first Christmas Eve I

                         can remember is wait-

                         ing for night to come so
          Twe could go to bed and

          expecting Santa Claus to come in the
          night. Mother had to help with evening

          chores so Blanche and I swept the floor,

          and dusted (don’t know how good) and
          then we would sit in our little chairs

          waiting for them to come in and light
          the lamps. Christmas morning came

          and we found candy, nuts, and oranges

          in our stockings. We each got a beauti-
          ful doll with hair. Mine had dark hair

          and Blanche’s was a blonde. I don’t re-

          member what color of hair Hazel’s doll
          had. I think hers was a baby doll. I don’t

          remember anything else we got. That’s

          the first Christmas I remember.

                                                                  Eva and Blanche                                Eva, Blanche, and Hazel

           4 Part of my Life as a Story
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