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P. 6

I believe it was the next spring that Dad sold our home. He          and other crops, but the water didn’t quite reach our house.
               got the Missouri fever. So we sold off our livestock and our         But lots of people drowned. Dad helped to get people out.

               household goods. He fixed two wagons up with bows and                That disgusted him so we started back to Kansas that fall. I
                                                                               Chariton Courier (Keytesville, Chariton, Missouri) ·  5 Jun 1903, Fri ·  Page 1
               covered them so we had two covered wagons. He bought                 remember when we went thru Kansas City. Mother wasn’t
                                                                                                               Downloaded on Feb 22, 2019
               two spans (teams) of mules. We loaded                                                 well all fall.

               our belongings and started for Missou-
                                                                                                     It was cold when we reached our destina-
               ri. It was really early in the spring and as
                                                                                                     tion, which was at my father’s oldest sister
               I remember we had lovely weather for
                                                                                                     Eva’s home. She and her husband had a
               traveling. I can remember about Mother
                                                                                                     large ranch and a family of three boys and
               cooking our meals over campfires. Some
                                                                                                     two girls. We stayed with them for quite a
               young man drove one of the wagons. We
                                                                                                     long time, Dad helped the husk their corn.
               reached Missouri safely in about three
                                                                                                     Their youngest girl and child Vada was a
               weeks, I believe. Dad rented a small farm
                                                                                                     few weeks older than I. So Blanche and I
               near Gilliam, Missouri (1903) with a
                                                                                                     went to school while there with Aunt Eva
               creek thru it. We weren’t very far from
                                                                                                     and Uncle Joe’s children. Then it seems in
               the Missouri River. He worked awfully
                                                                                                     the meantime Dad bought a place near
               hard that summer and so did Mother.
                                                                                                     Soldier, Kansas, but couldn’t get posses-
               She became ill and later lost a baby boy. I
                                                                                                     sion until in March, but they rented a
               can remember Dad setting the dish pans
                                                                                                     house near Soldier where we lived the rest
               down where Blanche and I could reach           from the Chariton Courier, June 5, 1903
                                                                                                     of the winter. But again we weren’t close
                                 Great Floods of 1903reat Floods of 1903
               them to do the dishes. Then the rains came and the Missou-
                                                                                    to the schoolhouse, so we didn’t go to school that winter
               ri River and creeks left their banks, flooded our corn field
                                 Clipped By:
                                                                                    either. We moved in the spring.
                                         Fri, Feb 22, 2019
           6 Part of my Life as a Story
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