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he and I would have sunk into it. There were several sink- on in to high school in 1912. Blanche and I were in the
holes around there. No doubt, we would have never been same grade all thru school, because as I said, I didn’t start
found. Lots of farmers lost their cattle in quicksand. I’ve to school until I was nearly eight years old.
always had a fear of it since.
We, who were old enough, started to school in Har-
We lived here two years, Dad was offered a good price for veyville, 1 1/2 miles from home. We had a little
the home so he sold it. He went to Wabaunsee County, one horse buggy and a pony - so we drove to school
Kansas where he bought another place. Don’t remember
instead of walking. We always had to come right
the acreage. The house was old and so were the other build-
home from school as there was always work for us to
ings so we lived in the old house. He built a new five room
do. I wanted to play basketball but couldn’t as I was
house, very nice, also painted it white. He built a nice barn,
wash house, etc. The barn was painted red. Another sister, needed at home.
Grace, was born in the old house August 17, 1910. Again,
Blanche and I did all of the work. The washings were so The winter of 1912 and 1913 was cold with lots of snow.
large it took all day to do them. I also helped Dad with the The roads drifted so bad Cecil and I rode horseback to
field work. We only lived 1½ mile from town, Harveyville school on a large workhorse and Blanch and Hazel rode the
(a small town). Dad had gotten us a pony when lived in pony. On the night of the 16 of February, Mother wasn’t
Chase County (Dan). We rode him and also drove him feeling well and then our brother Lewis was born early on
as Dad also got us a one horse buggy. We moved into our the morning of the 17 of February. The fall before Lew
new house that fall. We were really happy. We started to was born, the folks took Grace, Ivan and Goldie and drove
school that fall, drove the pony. Blanche, Hazel, and Cecil, to Rossville, Kansas to visit a sister of Dad’s who had lost
and I all were in school now. I was in the 7th grade that her husband (he had been kicked by a mule in the chest).
year. Nothing much eventful happened thru the 8 grade Dad always kept a driving team and a spring wagon. This is
10 Part of my Life as a Story