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P. 13

seldom got snow there. Dad bought a jersey cow and as                in this house, but anyway, spring was near, when he rented
               usual it was my job to do the milking. She didn’t give very          a farm about 7 or 8 miles from there. We moved to this

               much milk; we couldn’t get good feed for her. Seems they             place, a small house. I don’t know how we managed, but
               didn’t raise much feed and hay there then. We fed her cot-           we did. The weather was real nice there. Dad put out quite

               ton seeds. That part of Arkansas was cotton and rice crops.          a large crop and we had alfalfa too. He bought three cows

               The children in grade school started to school. Blanche              so again I started milking cows. Mother and us “kids” put
               and I didn’t get to high school as planned, so we went to            out a large garden. We had an organ so I kept up my music

               the school and in the eighth grade again to review. Some             practice and gave music lessons to four or five pupils that

               of the studies were different and interesting. We went to            summer. I rode the pony from place to place. I charged 50¢
               school six weeks. It had warmed up and it was a beautiful            a lesson so I had a little money of my own. I’ve neglected

               walk thru woods to school (which was a shortcut).                    to say Blanche and I took music lessons in our early teens.

               By this time, Dad knew this was no country to raise his              We got acquainted and went to Sunday School. The folks
               family in. So he sold the cow. We packed up once more.               always furnished us some kinds of transportation to go. We

               He and Cecil went with the stock car and again Mother                got to go to Sunday School and play parties that summer, for

               and us went by train to Carter, Oklahoma. We stayed in               the first time. I was eighteen past by this time. Blanche, Ha-
               Oklahoma City four weeks. We stayed at a hotel until the             zel and I became interested in the Free Methodist Church

               freight train came with Father, Cecil, and the household             and were baptized (immersed) the summer of 1915.
               goods, horses, etc. It was a couple of days behinds us. We
                                                                                    I later in life was baptized in the LDS Church, January 14,
               remained at the hotel until Dad had time to rent a house.
                                                                                    1961. To me this church is the best, far ahead of the other
               We moved into this house. There was barn room for the
               horses and chickens. We didn’t unpack, only just enough

               to get by. No one went to school. I forget how long we lived         I played the organ for the church and Sunday School, also

                                                                                                                       Part of my Life as a Story   13
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