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all the way down. I got up and went back upstairs, finished          him anymore. The folks were very unhappy at me because I
               the tests but my back hurt so bad (I didn’t get much relief          had gotten home late.

               for a number of years). We passed our tests okay. Then we
                                                                                    In a short time I met another young man at church (revival
               had to get a school to teach. Blanche got a school 2 ½ miles
                                                                                    meetings which were being held in our community). He
               from home and mine was 5 miles from home. The folks had
                                                                                    was a good friend of Bill Evans, Blanche’s boyfriend. His
               bought a second hand touring car. So I learned to drive. I
                                                                                    name, Otto Holmes. That was in June. Bill had a car (his
               took Blanche to her school then backtracked and went to
                                                                                    father’s rather) so Otto and Bill took Blanche and I to our
               my school. So I made a nine mile drive each way to and
                                                                                    rooms at Gove where we were going to Normal (Institute).
               from school. I had to fix tires every few days at noon. The
                                                                                    Otto and I went steady from them on. He used his father’s
               boys helped me pump them up. I had seventeen pupils - all
                                                                                    car that summer, then bought a roadster that fall.
               eight grades so I was busy.
                                                                                    My school year of teaching was uneventful, had seven
               I drove until nearly winter time then got a place to board
                                                                                    months to teach.
               near the schoolhouse. I got $50 a month – paid out $20 a

               month for board. I built my own schoolhouse fires and did

               all of the cleaning.

               During the summer I had met a number of several young

               folks at Sunday School and church. I went with a young

               man by the name of Charles Arten for a while. He drove a
               horse and buggy. We went to church one night. It was pitch

               dark. We got on the wrong road so drove a couple of miles

               out of the way. I was unhappy about this so didn’t go with

          16 Part of my Life as a Story
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