Page 7 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 7

The home they bought was a real nice place a few rods from
               a schoolhouse. Se we got to go to school that fall. I was eight

               years old. That was the fall of 1904.

                                                                                                    Eva, Goldie, Blanche, and Hazel

                                                                                    On January 22, 1905, my sister Goldie was born. I remem-
                                                                                    ber we had lots of snow that winter, it drifted great drifts

                                                                                    around our house. I suppose they were eight or ten feet

                        Joseph and Eva Walt Ott and their three                     high. We had a good teacher and Blanche and I finally got
                        youngest children, Harry, Vada, and Jacob                   started, we were in the same grade by now as I had lost out.

                                                                                                                       Part of my Life as a Story   7
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