Page 22 - Landscape Draft 1 copy
P. 22

pork and chickens for meat. We didn’t have deep freezers             thought we might like it. He was gone three weeks, came
               so had to dress chickens every day. Mother Holmes shared             home by train ahead of the other men. Was I ever glad to see

               her ice refrigerator with me, which surely was a big help.           him as his father had taken sick so I with Mother Holmes’
               We had to pump and carry our water quite a little ways, and          help had all of the chores to do. That was in May 1921.

               I did most of it. Otto most always helped carry my wash              His sister Eva had gotten married in the fall of 1920 so she

               water.                                                               wasn’t there to help, but her husband left her in May 1912,
                                                                                    also happened while Otto was away and she moved back to
               The folks had a large fenced in yard which was a great help
                                                                                    her sister’s near Utica. Dad Holmes doctored but contin-
               to keep Edward from wandering off, when we could keep
                                                                                    ued to get worse, he passed away November 9  1921.
               the gates locked. Mother Holmes was good to watch him
                                                too, if she didn’t sometimes        During this time Eva had a baby girl in September and
                                                he would pull her flowers           moved back home with her Mother and Dad. We contin-

                                                which, she didn’t like. She         ued living at the ranch until the fall of 1923. Then Moth-
                                                did have beautiful flowers          er decided to let Otto’s older brother Guy have the

                                                for Western Kansas.                 place to farm. They moved in to our

                                                                                    part of the house and we moved
                                                Otto had a chance to go
                                                                                    to Utica where we rented a four
                                                with three other men to
                                                                                    room square white house. Otto
                                                Wyoming to look at the
                                                                                    and another brother Fahey
                                                country. They went in a
                                                                                    bought a garage. I enjoyed
                                                Ford Touring car. Had some
                                                                                    living in town for a change. I
                                                friends who lived there, it
                         Edward                                                     didn’t have to work so hard.
                                                was a cattle country so we
                                                                                    On March 2, 1924 our lit-

          22 Part of my Life as a Story
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