Page 13 - Information about Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera 8.5 12pp final.qxd 1/15/06 2:22 PM Page 13
the health benefits
to be the essence behind Prof. Davis’ “Conductor/ There is now available a set of objective
Orchestra Concept of Aloe vera” (Davis 1997). laboratory tests that can distinguish Aloe from
extender substances by nuclear magnetic
The essential actions at cell level that together resonance and also the actual DNA of Aloe vera
comprise the “gastrointestinal” effects of Aloe can be detected when present and distinguished
have not been clearly identified. It seems likely, from that of all other plants. These methods have
however, that much of this effect may be been explored and verified in detail by the
mediated through the anti-inflammatory, pro- International Aloe Science Council in the USA and
healing and immune system effects. Here too, similarly examined and adopted in the UK by the
synergy between the different separate actions is Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA).
almost certainly important. If there are, say 100
conditions that Aloe vera helps, then these seem These tests and the enforcement of the results is not
likely to be traceable in the end to some 6 to 8 yet a matter of UK Law, but it clearly well behoves
basic effects that combine together and synergize buyers of Aloe to look for products that are well
in complex ways. verified by one of these bodies and sold by
responsible retailers who understand the product.
Finally, because the actions of Aloe are so This simple precaution will tend to protect users from
numerous, and because some of them support exploitation by the sellers of inferior or possibly
systems that are basic to the well being of the fraudulent products. It should help to ensure that
body, one might expect to find that regular Aloe Aloe vera, at the ‘point of sale’, still possess the
users would live more illness-free lives than non- properties for which it is so highly valued.
Aloe’s healing and immune powers also apply Aloe exerts a beneficial
to conditions of the lower digestive organs. effect upon digestive health.
Aloe is reported as giving generally better
small intestinal function and contributing
to relief from constipation.
users and might perhaps live longer. This has not
yet been demonstrated in humans but the For more detailed newsletters on Aloe Vera,
reader’s attention is drawn to the work of Ikeno et please call Nutrigold on 01884 251777.
al (2002), pinpointing a more illness-free life for
rats that are given Aloe on a regular basis.
13 Making sure that your Aloe
is Genuine and is Strong Enough
Any user of Aloe should bear in mind the recent
history of Aloe, which is that whilst it has
marvellous credentials as a curative herbal
remedy, it has been much abused by the
unscrupulous acts of certain suppliers. They have
diluted the extracts with water and extended it
dishonestly by the addition of inactive
maltodextrin, dextrose or glycerol. It has also
been subject to other forms of abuse which were
not dishonest, but involved processing the plant in
ways which failed, to various degrees, to preserve
its biological activity. There are, or have been,
operators who market only a distillate from Aloe.
From what is known of the active ingredients of
Aloe, there is little reason to expect that any
significant amount of these will be present in such
distillates. Plaskett (1997b) has reviewed the
relationship between the activity of Aloe vera and
the conditions of harvesting and processing.
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