Page 8 - Information about Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera 8.5 12pp final.qxd 1/15/06 2:22 PM Page 8
the health benefits
probably some other unidentified substances that is tested at set intervals after the injury. However,
act as anti-prostaglandins (Raine et al 1980, it is clear that, whilst one can see only the
Penneys, 1982, Hegger & Robinson 1983). Anti- surface, the healing action of Aloe, just like the
prostaglandins are substances that inhibit the anti-inflammatory effect, is capable of acting
actions of or the production of the prostaglandin through the whole body, in the deep organs as
hormones. Aloe may also inhibit the production of well as the superficial tissues. It works by
leukotrienes. These are hormone-like substances stimulating the surviving cells to multiply rapidly to
that attract macrophages to inflammation sites. replace damaged cells. The mechanism by which
Davis (1997) also refers to a contribution to the the repair is accelerated is through the stimulation
anti-inflammatory action by the phosphorylated of fibroblasts. These are the cells that produce the
sugar, mannose-6-phosphate, though it is not protein fibres that form part of granulation tissue,
always clear whether he is referring to the free providing strength to the wound repair.
sugar derivative itself or to its combined form
within the high molecular weight Aloe The combination of anti-inflammatory and pro-
polysaccharide, glucomannan. Davis (1997) also healing effects makes Aloe vera outstandingly
considers that some anti-inflammatory activity is suitable for many First Aid applications.
associated with the presence of the plant growth
substance gibberellin. Plaskett (1996a) and Early papers on the topic are those of Barnes
Plaskett (1996b) also reviewed the biochemical (1947), Goff & Levenstein (1964) and Rubel (1983).
mechanisms of relief of inflammation by Aloe. From 1987 onwards, Professor Davis and co-
Apart from direct effects upon inflammation, workers have worked extensively in this area
‘t Hart et al (1990) studied the effect of the (Davis et al 1988, Skokan, S.J., & Davis, R.H.,
separated low molecular weight fraction of Aloe 1993, Davis et al 1994a & b), Davis et al 1989a).
solids upon free radical production by neutrophils Heggers et al extended that work (Heggers et al
(a class of leucocytes that are active at sites of 1993, Heggers et al, 1994). This work of the later
inflammation). The Aloe material inhibited the 1980’s and early 1990’s has fully confirmed the
production of free radicals and the damage activity of Aloe vera in accelerating the healing of
resulting from their release. wounds, shown that it is entirely reproducible and
Exposure to the glucomannan Immune cells react in
of Aloe showed that it offered ways that reflect the
a degree of protection to the stimulatory effects of
blood cells from attack. Aloe upon the whole
immune system.
reliable and shown that the effect of Aloe vera on
Today the use of Aloe for anti-inflammatory wound healing is very marked. Up to 50% or
purposes is widespread and widely reported. more healing may occur with the use of Aloe
Recent work on use of Aloe for radiation burns than without.
and for radiological protection are exemplified
respectively by Su et al (2004), Heggie et al (2002) Prof. Davis has been very concerned with the
and Wang et al (2004). Other investigations also quest to find the mechanisms of action of Aloe
continue into the anti-inflammatory actions of vera in producing both the anti-inflammatory and
Aloe, e.g. Landmead et al (2004), in which Aloe healing effects, and this has produced some most
vera was shown to be an effective anti- interesting findings and theories eloquently set
inflammatory in human colorectal mucosa. out in his book (Davis 1997). The active
glucomannan polysaccharide of Aloe is able to
7 Tissue Healing Effects attach itself to stimulatory sites on the surface of
A third major action of Aloe is increasing the the fibroblast cells.
healing powers of tissues that have been
damaged. This is most obvious at the surface, Meanwhile, these studies prepared the way for the
where one can easily watch the acceleration of clinical exploitation of the known properties of
wound healing. This has long been studied by Aloe in wound healing and as a result Aloe-
creating wounds by observing the rate of healing containing wound dressings have been marketed
with and without Aloe as a wound dressing. This based upon the separated polysaccharides of
page 6 action has been fully authenticated by scientific Aloe, e.g. Carrasyn hydrogel wound dressing. This
studies in which the strength of the wound repair very practically orientated approach led to