Page 11 - Information about Aloe Vera
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Aloe Vera 8.5 12pp final.qxd  1/15/06  2:22 PM  Page 11

                                                                                                      ALOE VERA
                                                                                                           the health benefits

                                       9.1  How the Action of Aloe Impinges     Ghannam et al (1986) also studied the effect of
                                       upon Hyperglycaemia in Type II           Aloe treatment upon diabetic mice and reported
                                       Diabetes                                 an improvement (hypoglycaemic effect) of
                                       Research from Saudi Arabia, Ghannam et al  approximately 43% in their plasma glucose levels
                                       (1986), reports effects of Aloe on human  after 7 days of treatment.
                                       diabetics. They state, “The dried sap of the Aloe
                                       plant is one of several traditional remedies used  Agarwal (1985) published a major paper on the
                                       for diabetes in the Arabian peninsular.” The study  prevention of atheromatous heart disease. There
                                       concerned five patients only, who all had non-  were 5000 patients in the study, aged 35 to 65
                                       insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDD) i.e. Type II. Two  years, with follow-up over five years. Over 60% of
                                       of these patients yielded two separate sets of  these also had diabetes. Of these diabetic
                                       experimental data, making seven records in all.  patients 94% experienced improvements in their
                                       Although the sample of patients is so small, the  blood sugar levels during the trial. This trial was
                                       results obtained were most impressive. The  also of interest because the Aloe material used
                                       fasting serum glucose levels were reduced from a  was fresh Aloe gel (100g / day, given along with
                                       mean of 273mg/dl before treatment to a mean of  20g / day Husk of Isabgol), and no sap-derived
                                       151mg/dl after treatment. The insulin levels of these  materials were used.
                                       patients were unchanged. Interestingly, as has
                                       been stated, insulin levels in the blood of patients  Ghannam et al found that Aloe exerts its
                                       with NIDD commonly do not exhibit absolute insulin  hypoglycaemic effect by reducing the body’s
                                       deficiency and it appears that their problem has  production of blood glucose from breaking down
                                       much to do with a relative insensitivity of the body  protein (“gluconeogenesis”). The positive action of
                                       tissues towards being influenced insulin. The  myrrh in diabetes (an alternative antidiabetic plant
                                       inference here is that treatment with Aloe in some  product) was achieved by increasing the tissue
                                       manner not yet understood, improves the  oxidation of glucose. The obvious inference from
                                       responsiveness of the body tissues towards insulin.  this is that Aloe, in a form that contains both main
                                       This makes the insulin that is already circulating in  fractions, and myrrh, should be especially effective
                                       the blood, more effective. In four out of the seven  in combination for the treatment of diabetes.
                                       records, the patient’s serum glucose fell to normal
                                       (80-100mg/dl) or just above that range, while in  Other relevant research, some from the middle
                                       three other cases, although serum glucose was  East, presents effects of Aloe in diabetic animals,
                                       dramatically reduced, the level continued to hover  for example, that of Al-Awadi (1985) and Farida et
                                       at or just slightly above the renal threshold for  al. (1987) of Kuwait. They concluded that both
                                       glucose excretion, of 180mg/dl. This means that  Aloe, and myrrh, were significantly hypoglycaemic.

                                                                      It works by stimulating the surviving                    A third major action
                                                                      cells to multiply rapidly to replace                     of Aloe is increasing
                                                                      damaged cells. The mechanism by which                    the healing powers
                                                                      the repair is accelerated is through the                 of tissues that have
                                                                      stimulation of fibroblasts.                              been damaged.

                                       small amounts of glucose were still being excreted.  Blood sugar was reduced in diabetic mice, in one
                                       This paper is enormously encouraging towards  set of experiments by 6% and in another by 26%.
                                       the idea that Aloe is an effective remedy against  By comparing the 1987 study with their results
                                       Type II Diabetes. The extent of the reduction in  from previous studies, also concluded “different
                                       the blood sugar levels of these patients is  parts of the Aloe plant may lower blood glucose by
                                       significant. Indeed, with the blood sugar reduced  different mechanisms”. Therefore, an optimum
                                       to 151mg/dl, the level has been reduced below  Aloe product for the treatment of diabetes might
                                       the renal threshold. In that sense, these patients,  need to contain, in addition to the material of the
                                       after treatment, were not really diabetic at all,  Aloe gel or whole leaf extract, some components
                                       even though they still had a degree of   from the aloin (sap) fraction. Possibly then, for an
                                       hyperglycaemia. However, there is some question  Aloe product to be entirely optimised for the
                                       about the nature of the Aloe material used by  broadest possible spectrum of biomedical activities,
                                       these authors, leaving us unsure what components  the exudate fraction, or some parts of it, may,
                                       of the Aloe were responsible for the benefits.  indeed, be needed, but with the right precautions.
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