P. 24
Greens Veterans
Arty Noskin
We now have 78 registered members of our group. We know there are more Greenies that are VETS and we invite them to join
our group. Our meetings are about every 5 weeks at the HHHCC Library 55 Vanderbilt Pkway. Sometimes we have speakers,
documentaries, movies, lunch (pizza, deli or Chinese - real gourmet), and most important, our WAR STORIES.
Our February meeting featured the documentary “Uncommon Value”, issued by World War 11 Veterans Committee. The doc-
umentary contains stories on valor on Iwo Jima, Doolittle Raid, Buzz Aldrin, the 761 Tank Battalion, Tuskegee Airman, “101”
Airborne Division, Pearl Harbor, and many more. Murt Brown obtained this DVD documentary for us.
Unless I can get a volunteer to run the meeting in March, we will not have a meeting in March. I will be in Asia.
In April, we’ll go to a REAL Chinese restaurant in Flushing. The DIM SUM is unbelievable. We will probably be the only non-
Asians among over 200 diners. The price cannot be matched.
The GVG is planning a trip to Washington DC in May. We will visit all the memorials as well as the African American Museum,
Holocaust Museum and other famous venues. Nice Hotels, great restaurants, and site seeing will make for a fabulous trip. I
know, as this will be my third time participating in the DC trip. So far, I have 5 attendees. Bring your wives, friends, kids, grand
kids (over 12) . Please let me know if you are interested in attending a trip you will remember. I need the time to prepare.
October , we will see an ARMY football game at West Point and dinner. More info will follow.
Be a part and enjoy. Join Now
Jerrys Story, US Army
Memories while in the Military
While attending Alfred University I joined the Army ROTC. This accomplished two things; I could
not be drafted and I received monthly compensation of $25.00 which became my spending money
while a student. Upon graduating I was commissioned as a second lieutenant and by an Act of
Congress was made an “officer and a gentleman”. Our entire senior ROTC class consisted of twelve
men. The other eleven were assigned to infantry or artillery classifications. Somehow or other my
designation was to the Finance Corp.
My first post was at Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn. From there I was transferred to Fort Jay on Gover-
nor’s Island. Fort Jay was the home of The First Army Headquarters so we were responsible to pay
all of the generals, colonels, majors, etc., attached to this base and its surrounding area. Most of this
pay was in cash so a Major, a Captain, and I were responsible for counting, dividing, and reconciling
over $1,000,000. each pay period.
During this period the Army participated in the Hungarian Airlift whereby the Hungarian Freedom
Fighters and their families were rescued from the Russians and flown to Fort Dix, New Jersey. I was
appointed the Chief Finance Officer responsible for paying our troops as well as converting the Hungarian currency into US dollars.the Chief Finance Officer responsible for paying our troops as well as converting the Hungarian currency into US dollars.
My next assignment was to a unit responsible for paying our reserve forces for their two weeks of summer training. This took me to
Oswego, New York where the artillery units did their service. Again I was the Chief Finance Officer and every two weeks we would
roar into town to pick up the cash from the bank. This became a town happening as there were always crowds waiting to greet us
which would disperse as we were driving away.
One night I was serving as Officer Of The Day. A tunnel was being dug under Lake Ontario and an explosion occurred. All of our
troops were called to assist in the rescue operation and as OD it became my responsibility to coordinate our resources to work with
the local fire, police and emergency departments to help handle this catastrophe. My men and I worked through the night (approx-
imately eleven hours total) until we were relieved. Unfortunately three workmen died in this tragedy.
During my service at Fort Dix and then Oswego I was the man in charge of paying the regular army personnel. The people running
the motor pool always made sure that a car was available to me if needed. In this regard I was always the second ranking officer
on the post, a very nice perk. I also made it very clear that I was a civilian on temporary duty for two years and received excellent
cooperation from those under my command.
This last assignment brought my two years of service to an end and I was once again assigned to Fort Hamilton to be discharged
as a First Lieutenant.
NO MEMBERSHIP DUES. You must have a DD214 for all VETS.
CONTACT: ARTY NOSKIN | Coordinator | U.S.M.C. • 631 223 3500•