P. 28

Italian American GroupGroup
     Italian American
                                                       C    F    A       F    A       F    A
           V   V      M       V      M       V      M        C
      On November 8th, 2017 the Vic               On Wednesday, December 20th
      Vincent group entertained the mem-          2017 the IAG went into New York              Viking River
      bership with a musical history tour         City with 2 buses to see the play              ~ Cruise ~
      of rock & roll, doo wop and some            “Come from Away”.  The play is about
      holiday tunes. What a great night!          the remarkable true story of a small               Praque
                                                  town  that welcomed the 38 planes               Amsterdam
                                                  that were ordered to land in the                  Germany
                                                  town of Gander, Newfoundland.
                                                                                              On October 9th, 2017 30
                                                                                               members of the Italian
                                                                                              American Group started
                                                                                                our journey from Am-
                                                                                               sterdam to Prague and
                                                                                              then down to Nuremberg
                                                                                                Germany.  We spent
                                                                                                3 days in Amsterdam
                                                                                               touring places such as
                                                                                                Anne Frank tour, and
                                                                                              then visiting Windmills,
                                                                                                Volendam and the old
                                                                                              Villages with some Wine
                                                                                                and Cheese tastings
                                                                                               along the way. Making
                                                                                               our way to the airport
                                                                                              for a fl ight to Prague and
                                                                                               meeting up with more
                                                                                                of our members. We
                                                                                              spent 3 nights in Prague
                                                                                               visiting so many of the
                                                                                                great sites available
                                                                                               to us.  Some of us took
                                                                                                a tour to Kutna Hora
                                                                                              while others made a visit
                                                                                               to Terezin and another
                                                                                               day to the Jewish Quar-
                                                                                                ter in Prague.  At the
                                                                                              end of our stay in Prague
                                                                                               we had 2 buses take us
                                                                                               to Nuremberg to board
                                                                                               our Viking Cruise, our
                                                                                              home for the next 8 days.
                                                                                               We were able to visit so
                                                                                               many wonderful cities
                                                                                              along the Danube River,
                                                                                                Regensburg, Passau,
                                                                                                Krems, Vienna, and
                                                                                               ending in Budapest on
                                                                                                   October 22nd.
                                                                                                What great memories
                                                                                               from all our excursions
                                                                                               but most of all the new
                                                                                              friendships made on this
                                                                                                   wonderful trip.

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