P. 33

      the power                                                                                         Hadassah
      of women
               who DO  TM
                    P        ’  M       ~ T   M        

                                                                                            strength not to settle for
      Israel at her 70th birth-                                                             what was given to us.
      day is: A Light unto the                                                               Israel restored the pride
      Nations as the prophet                                                                and dignity of the Jewish
      Isaiah predicted: It is                                                               People.
      a nation that should be
      emulated and admired                                                                  We dared to dream a
      by countries around the                                                               mighty dream to have
      world.                                                                                our own Jewish State of
      The very fact of how the
      State of Israel came into                                                             We have a great deal to
      being is one of the most                                                              celebrate, a flourishing
      inspiring in history. Born                                                            State of Israel, a strong
      out of the ashes of the                                                               IDF to protect the coun-
      Holocaust, it has emerged                                                             try and a viable Hadas-
      as one of the most ad-                                                                sah with two medical
      vanced, productive and                                                                research institutions with
      prosperous countries in                                                               the hope to be a bridge to
      the world.                                                                            peace in the Middle East.
                                                                                            Yom Huledet Sameach
      It all started 70 years                                                               Israel, Happy Birthday
      ago, on May, 1948 when                                                                Israel may you go “From
      the State of Israel was                                                               Strength to Strength.”
      reborn. What courage
      to dream, to have the
                                                                                            B’Shalom, Aviva


      On October 24 2017, The Suffolk Region of Hadassah held their Annual Region and Chapter Woman of the
      Year and Installation of Region Board at the Stone Bridge Country Club in Smithtown, NY.  Shirley Tuchman
      was honored as the Greens Chapter of Hadassah’s Woman of the Year.
      Shirley has served our chapter with excellence in many capacities. She has been our recording secretary,
      chaired our nominating committee, facilitated at book reviews and at our
                                    Hadassah Winter Film Festival.  Shirley, a warm, caring, thoughtful person,
                                    Hadassah Winter Film Festival.  Shirley, a warm, caring, thoughtful person,
                                    with so much wisdom, received this honor because of her many years of
                                    with so much wisdom, received this honor because of her many years of
                                    dedication and service to Hadassah and the State of Israel. Yashakoach Shirley!!!
                                    dedication and service to Hadassah and the State of Israel. Yashakoach Shirley!!!
                                                                                                       Phyllis Foodi m

                                                                     LIFE  A T THE GREENS   |  SPRING • 2018         33
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