P. 35

      the power                                                                                         Hadassah
      of women
               who DO  TM
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                                                                   The Jewish Museum

                                                                   On the brisk morning of Halloween, our Hadas-
                                                                   sah Trippers boarded a bus for Manhattan.  Our
                                                                   first stop was The Jewish Museum where a docent
                                                                   led us through the Amedeo Modigliani exhibit.
                                                                   The exhibit displayed many of his early drawings
                                                                   - several of which were being shown in the United
                                                                   States for the first time. These works illuminated
                                                                   Modigliani’s heritage as an Italian Sephardic Jew
                                                                   which was pivotal to understanding his artistic
                                                                   output. We were fortunate to have a docent who
                                                                   was an art educator and extremely knowledgeable
                                                                   of Modigliani, his life and works.

      The NY Historical Society

      We explored the exhibit entitled Arthur Szyk (pronounced Schick): Soldier in Art.
      To our surprise and delight, our docent was no other than Irvin Unger, the guest curator of Arthur Szyk’s
      exhibit and a foremost expert.  With his fluency in Jewish history and tradition, he was able to present an en-
      thusiastic explanation while pointing out the details that were embodied in each piece. With fervor and enthu-
      siasm, he proceeded to tell the story that Szyk conveyed so beautifully in his art.
                                                                                                     Shirley Tuckman

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       P hotos from our amazingly successful Toy Drive for the benefit
       of the patients at the Cohen Children’s Medical Center.

                                                                     LIFE  A T THE GREENS   |  SPRING • 2018         35
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